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Picture this: You’re a corporate trainer tasked with delivering role-specific training for the very first time. Whether it’s onboarding new employees or transferring a process between teams, preparation is the key to success. In this post, we’ll dive into a crucial aspect of preparation: job shadowing. 🚀

Understanding the Power of Shadowing 👁️🔦

When preparing to deliver training, it’s often advised to shadow someone performing the role or job you’ll be training. Sadly, many trainers underestimate the importance of this step, and even fewer maximize its potential. Before we explore how to make the most of shadowing, it’s vital to grasp the mindset of the person you’ll be shadowing.

1️⃣ They’re Not Trainers: The person you’re shadowing isn’t a trainer. This means they might not structure information for easy digestion or gauge your prior knowledge. Expect info dumps and a fast-paced session.

2️⃣ Limited Information: They likely have minimal knowledge of what you want to learn. Their instructions might have been as vague as, “Trainer Tom will shadow you tomorrow.” Expectations need setting!

Maximizing Your Shadowing Experience 🌞🎒

To ensure your shadowing time is invaluable, consider these tips:

1️⃣ Share Your Goals: Clearly state your training goals, not just your shadowing intentions. This aligns both parties’ purposes and might trigger additional insights.

2️⃣ Share Your Objectives: Define what you aim to gain from the session. Organize them in a clear format to gather information efficiently.

3️⃣ Take Control of Communication: Send your own communications to set the right expectations and avoid miscommunication.

4️⃣ Thank Them: Appreciation goes a long way. Recognize and thank your shadows publicly (if appropriate), whether through recognition boards or a heartfelt email.

📩 Bonus: Email Template: Need an email template to set expectations before shadowing? Fill out the form below to have a copy emailed to you post haste.

With these four steps, you can ensure a successful shadowing experience. Don’t forget to share your thoughts below, and happy training! 🗣️💼